Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Model Family

Yes, that's right, this is a real family.  No models were used as replacements in this photo.  They're all that darn cute.  And while I'm making disclaimers, they're this colorful, fun, and cooperative in real life as well.  Thanks Bartlett Family for the chance to take your pictures!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tea Rose

Pretty colors, a tea set, childlike joy, and two sweet kids: it was a fairytale morning!



Friday, November 22, 2013

Hello Sweetheart

It's so fun to see how one tiny baby changes everything.  There's new big sister. There's a new family of four.  There's a mom and dad who are now making plans for "their girls."  And there's a new personality--distinct even at a few days old--ready to make a place in this family!


Thursday, November 7, 2013


 When Ashlynn saw the pictures of this little lady in an old suitcase she said, "Oh look!  She's in a treasure box."  Only too fitting for this much loved, long wanted little girl.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wild Things

Look at those eyes!  They completely undo me.  They absolutely hold the most direct route to my heart.  Right now one of Ethan's favorite things to do is climb trees, so I brought the camera along and I had so much fun racing him up and down hills and trying to out-climb him in order to get a shot or two--it was extreme portrait photography.  This wild man was even patient enough to hold still for about two seconds so I could try and get a picture of all my little rascals at the same time.